[Austin friend and documentary filmmaker Andrea Melendez sent along the following call for interns to help with her Blueprint Schools Documentary Project.]
Contact Andrea directly at andrea@blueprintschools.com.
The Blueprint Schools Documentary Project is seeking interns for a documentary on school reform in east Austin, Texas.
The film is in the production phase and will be gathering data and filming this semester through the early fall, then will enter into post-production. The internship does not provide a financial stipend. You will receive credit in the documentary, a copy of the DVD, and possible co-authorship on any published writing depending on the level of involvement.
We are seeking 3 interns/research associates (undergraduate/graduate/grade school and or those not currently in school) whose work will involve the following but not limited to:
-research on the history of school reform in east Austin
-research on the history of school reform nationwide and in Texas
-quantitative analysis of TEA (Texas Education Agency) data of blueprint schools
-help with intersections of discussion
-production help for video shoots
-assistance with graphic production
-reviewers of relevant research writings
-editing, graphic art production
If interested, please contact Andrea at: andrea@blueprintschools.com
and send a bio or resume along with a short description of your interests in the film.
More information on the project can be found here.
[The following casting call was sent by Yvonne Duque, who is back on the job after birthing her beautiful new daughter, Gabriela.. congrats again to Yvonne and Carlos!]
Teatro de la Rosa Auditions Calling all Actors!!!
Teatro de la Rosa announces auditions for upcoming production.
Audition dates: Sunday, September 7, 2008 4:00 – 6:00 and Monday OR September 8, 2008 7:00 – 9:00.
At the Rose Marine Theater
Bilingual adaptation of William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Play will be set in and around the culture of Veracruz Mexico .
Seeking male and female actors ages 12 and up.
Play will feature some Spanish, but all ethnicities encouraged to audition.
Rehearsals will take place at the Rose Marine Theater.
Performance dates: November 7 – 23, 2008 Friday & Saturday at 7:30 and Sundays at 2:00 at the Rose Marine Theater.
Directed by Yvonne Duque.
Special appearance by Ballet Folklorico Azteca.
Contact us at 817.624.8333 for further information!
Yvonne Duque
Artistic Director
Teatro de la Rosa
c/o Rose Marine Theater
1440 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76164
817.624.8333 - Phone
817.624.8258 - Fax
[Geovanny Salas of Cineastas Pictures sent along the following call for actors.]
Cineastas Pictures & Nueva York Films
Casting Call
Directors: Anthony Limongi and Juan Caceres (The Startup)
Writer: Anthony Limongi
Producers: Juan Caceres (The Startup) and
Geovanny Salas (Art House Film)
Cast: Dennis Torres (Hero The Great)
Genre: Short Comedy
Lent is the forty-day liturgical season of fasting and prayer before Easter. For Usmail, a hormonal 15 years old, this couldn't be any truer. After an unfortunate incident, Usmail decides to reflect on himself and his bad habits.
Character Descriptions:
Latina/Late 30's - Early 40's. Very firm and strong Latina mother.
Latino Late 30's - Early 40's. The complete opposite of a stereotypical Latino man. Sheepish and quiet. Not very boisterous. Worries a lot about his son.
Any ethnicity - must be able to play ages 14-17. High school sophomore. Makes lewd jokes/comments. It's clear he hasn't matured yet.
Latino - must be able to play ages 14-17. A skinny, scrawny looking kid. Tries too hard to be gangsta.
Production Date: Fall 2008
Location: New York
Geovanny Salas
Founder | Producer
Cineastas Pictures
Friday, August 22, 2008
Announced just last week - Ford Foundation grant to NALAC
[Hey, Latino artists and cultural workers: more money for NALAC translates to more $$ to support our work...! ]
August 14, 2008
NALAC Receives $475,000 from the Ford Foundation
Grant to Support NALAC Fund for the Arts and a New Transnational Arts Fund
SAN ANTONIO – The National Association of Latino Arts and Culture (NALAC) has been awarded $475,000 from the Ford Foundation to support the NALAC Fund for the Arts and launch a new regranting initiative designed to promote intergenerational cultural transmission and community participation in the United States, Mexico and Central America.
NALAC, which celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2009, delivers important services to the national Latino arts and culture sector through a series of core programs. These programs include direct funding support, leadership training, regional and national convenings, and field research.
“It is an honor to receive this generous award,” says NALAC Executive Director Maria Lopez de Leon. “This grant will enable NALAC to provide much needed support to an innovative community of Latino artists and organizations whose work greatly enriches the cultural life of the nation and promotes understanding among culturally and economically linked populations in other communities in the Americas.”
The NALAC Fund for the Arts (NFA), which was launched in 2005 with major support from the Ford Foundation and JPMorgan Chase, has awarded more than $379,000 in three years to 128 Latino artists, ensembles, and small and mid-size Latino arts and culture organizations. The grantees reflect every discipline and region of the country.
The new Transnational Cultural Remittance (TCR) initiative builds on NALAC’s longstanding leadership role in supporting artistic work that addresses issues of social justice, cultural transmission and economic empowerment. The TCR initiative will support the creation and dissemination of new artistic works that directly explore, engage and articulate the complex issues facing transnational communities in the United States, Mexico and Central America.
“We are thankful for the Ford Foundation’s continued support,” says Abel Lopez, Chair of the NALAC Board. “Through their partnership in programs such as the NFA, the Ford Foundation is making a difference in the quality of life in communities across the country. Through the Transnational Cultural Remittance initiative, we look forward to addressing serious cultural issues and creating new avenues for artistic, social and economic participation throughout North America and Central America”
The NALAC Transnational Cultural Remittance initiative builds on NALAC's experience administering the NALAC Fund for the Arts and its long-term commitment to empowering artists and arts and culture organizations working on issues vital to communities in the United States, Mexico, Central America, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Guidelines for the new NALAC Transnational Cultural Remittances regranting initiative will be available later this year.
About the Ford Foundation: The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than half a century it has been a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide, guided by its goals of strengthening democratic values, reducing poverty and injustice, promoting international cooperation and advancing human achievement. With headquarters in New York, the foundation has offices in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Russia.
About NALAC: Founded in 1989, NALAC is the only national Latino arts and culture service organization in the United States. It plays a vital role in fostering understanding, providing advocacy, conducting original research, creating networking opportunities, and providing leadership instruction that ensures the health and sustainability of the national Latino arts. NALAC’s core programs include the NALAC Fund for the Arts, the annual NALAC Leadership Institute, Regional Arts Training Workshops, the NALAC National Conference, El Aviso Latino arts magazine, and the monthly eBoletin online newsletter. NALAC is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.
For more information, call 210-432-3982, email maria@nalac.org or visit www.nalac.org
# # #
August 14, 2008
NALAC Receives $475,000 from the Ford Foundation
Grant to Support NALAC Fund for the Arts and a New Transnational Arts Fund
SAN ANTONIO – The National Association of Latino Arts and Culture (NALAC) has been awarded $475,000 from the Ford Foundation to support the NALAC Fund for the Arts and launch a new regranting initiative designed to promote intergenerational cultural transmission and community participation in the United States, Mexico and Central America.
NALAC, which celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2009, delivers important services to the national Latino arts and culture sector through a series of core programs. These programs include direct funding support, leadership training, regional and national convenings, and field research.
“It is an honor to receive this generous award,” says NALAC Executive Director Maria Lopez de Leon. “This grant will enable NALAC to provide much needed support to an innovative community of Latino artists and organizations whose work greatly enriches the cultural life of the nation and promotes understanding among culturally and economically linked populations in other communities in the Americas.”
The NALAC Fund for the Arts (NFA), which was launched in 2005 with major support from the Ford Foundation and JPMorgan Chase, has awarded more than $379,000 in three years to 128 Latino artists, ensembles, and small and mid-size Latino arts and culture organizations. The grantees reflect every discipline and region of the country.
The new Transnational Cultural Remittance (TCR) initiative builds on NALAC’s longstanding leadership role in supporting artistic work that addresses issues of social justice, cultural transmission and economic empowerment. The TCR initiative will support the creation and dissemination of new artistic works that directly explore, engage and articulate the complex issues facing transnational communities in the United States, Mexico and Central America.
“We are thankful for the Ford Foundation’s continued support,” says Abel Lopez, Chair of the NALAC Board. “Through their partnership in programs such as the NFA, the Ford Foundation is making a difference in the quality of life in communities across the country. Through the Transnational Cultural Remittance initiative, we look forward to addressing serious cultural issues and creating new avenues for artistic, social and economic participation throughout North America and Central America”
The NALAC Transnational Cultural Remittance initiative builds on NALAC's experience administering the NALAC Fund for the Arts and its long-term commitment to empowering artists and arts and culture organizations working on issues vital to communities in the United States, Mexico, Central America, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Guidelines for the new NALAC Transnational Cultural Remittances regranting initiative will be available later this year.
About the Ford Foundation: The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than half a century it has been a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide, guided by its goals of strengthening democratic values, reducing poverty and injustice, promoting international cooperation and advancing human achievement. With headquarters in New York, the foundation has offices in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Russia.
About NALAC: Founded in 1989, NALAC is the only national Latino arts and culture service organization in the United States. It plays a vital role in fostering understanding, providing advocacy, conducting original research, creating networking opportunities, and providing leadership instruction that ensures the health and sustainability of the national Latino arts. NALAC’s core programs include the NALAC Fund for the Arts, the annual NALAC Leadership Institute, Regional Arts Training Workshops, the NALAC National Conference, El Aviso Latino arts magazine, and the monthly eBoletin online newsletter. NALAC is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.
For more information, call 210-432-3982, email maria@nalac.org or visit www.nalac.org
# # #
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Submit, submit: calls for submissions
Call for Submissions - 3 different publications. Read on.
Coeditors Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street are now soliciting submissions for an international anthology of ecopoetry. Here is the blurb they are sending out:
We are looking for a wide and varied array of submissions. Our working definition of "ecopoetry" is flexible; it includes not only what might be called nature poetry, and not only poetry that focuses on environmental issues, but also experimental poetry--poetry that explores language in its relations with the other-than-human. We welcome work by emerging as well as established poets. We welcome serious poems, playful poems, poems in open or traditional forms. Depending on limitations of space, we will consider not only short poems but also poems of several pages. The anthology will include only living poets or poets who were alive as of July 2007, and will include only poems either written in English or already translated into English; for poems not written in English, both the original and the translation must be submitted, and if accepted, both will be published. We will consider work that has been previously published.
The deadline for submissions is DECEMBER 15, 2008. Please send up to six poems to BOTH Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street. You may send them as email text or by snail mail. If they come as email text, make sure the spacing and lineation travel accurately. WE WILL NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS. Please also include a short bio and a cover letter, and an SASE for our reply.
Ann Fisher-Wirth
English Department
Bondurant C-135
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677
Laura-Gray Street
English Department
2500 Rivermont
Randolph College
Lynchburg, VA 24503
We look forward to reading your wonderful, very best work!
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: make/shift no. 5
Make/shift—a magazine creating, documenting, and engaging with contemporary feminist culture and activism—is seeking submissions for its fifth issue (spring/summer 2009).
For Issue 5, we are seeking
--investigative journalism
--critical essays
--personal essays
--profiles of feminist activists, artists, projects, and thinkers
--fiction and poetry
--art and photography
--book, maga/zine, film, art, and event reviews
--hybrid pieces
We are also seeking content for the following regular make/shift features:
--Everyday Actions: scenes of feminist action in everyday life (200 to 400 words; theme TBA)
--Documents: documents of feminist discourse in progress (doodle-covered meeting minutes, e-mail exchanges, and the like)
--Make/Plans: listings for our international calendar of upcoming events (submit info for events occurring between March and September 2009)
--Participate: listings for our community bulletin board (calls for submissions, invitations to participate in community projects, and the like)
Make/shift pays $.02/word plus two copies.
Send pitches or full-draft submissions to info@makeshiftmag.com. Please submit no more than three poems or two pieces of prose at a time. Feel free to pitch multiple ideas at once. We accept pitches and submissions on a rolling basis, but priority for Issue 5 will be given to those received by September 1.
Support independent feminist media—subscribe to make/shift: http://makeshiftmag.com
Be our friend: http://www.myspace.com/makeshiftmag
[This submission notice was sent to me by Regina Chavez y Sanchez of the Trinidad Sanchez, Jr. Memorial Foundation, based in Denver, Colorado. Trinidad Sanchez, presente!]
Subject: Call for submissions for the Punto Poetry Project
I am pleased to announce the call for submissions for the Punto Poetry Project™, an intergenerational anthology that will reflect the historic & expansive contribution of Latina/os to the art of performance poetry. There will be updates in the future, but we want to spread the net far and wide, so every voice is heard within the Latina/o poeta universo.
Please forward this info to all your gente.
More info here.
from the website:
PUNTO! Exclamations from Generations of Latina/o Poets
Calling ¡You!
the spoken word artist, the poeta, the crazy performance poet, the storyteller of metaphors, the subtle experimental poet, all of yous, from the casa to the raza cosmica and everywhere in between the transglobal barrio, yes tú, are invited to submit your original poems, slam poems, performance poems, spoken word pieces to ¡PUNTO!: Exclamations from Generations of Latina/o Poets, edited by critically- acclaimed, award winning poets, Jaime “Shaggy” Flores & Robert Farid Karimi.
We seek original work by Latina/o, Chicana/o, Nuyorican writers, performance poets, and spoken word performers for a new intergenerational anthology of Latina& Latino spoken word, performance poetry.
¡PUNTO! aims to give space and voice to Latina/o writers who have helped birth the current evolution of poetry by weaving language, culture, & experiences into a tapestry of performance & poetry on the page. ¡PUNTO! poets display the multifaceted variety of a community that is on the forefront of literature and performance. ¡PUNTO! is an intergenerational book that will reflect the historic & expansive contribution of Latina/os to the art of performance & written poetry across the nation.
Questions about this project can be emailed to: someta@puntopoetry.com. Please indicate “anthology” or “preguntas” or “vulcan mind meld” in the subject line to avoid deletion of your email.
Must be postmarked no later than November 2, 2008 (Yes, we know it's Sunday :) )
Y por favor, please make sure to remember your ancestors on this day...
Please send submissions to:
Please include “¡Punto!” in subject line.
c/o Robert Karimi & Shaggy Flores
p.o box 6151
minneapolis, mn 55406
Coeditors Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street are now soliciting submissions for an international anthology of ecopoetry. Here is the blurb they are sending out:
We are looking for a wide and varied array of submissions. Our working definition of "ecopoetry" is flexible; it includes not only what might be called nature poetry, and not only poetry that focuses on environmental issues, but also experimental poetry--poetry that explores language in its relations with the other-than-human. We welcome work by emerging as well as established poets. We welcome serious poems, playful poems, poems in open or traditional forms. Depending on limitations of space, we will consider not only short poems but also poems of several pages. The anthology will include only living poets or poets who were alive as of July 2007, and will include only poems either written in English or already translated into English; for poems not written in English, both the original and the translation must be submitted, and if accepted, both will be published. We will consider work that has been previously published.
The deadline for submissions is DECEMBER 15, 2008. Please send up to six poems to BOTH Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street. You may send them as email text or by snail mail. If they come as email text, make sure the spacing and lineation travel accurately. WE WILL NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS. Please also include a short bio and a cover letter, and an SASE for our reply.
Ann Fisher-Wirth
English Department
Bondurant C-135
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677
Laura-Gray Street
English Department
2500 Rivermont
Randolph College
Lynchburg, VA 24503
We look forward to reading your wonderful, very best work!
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: make/shift no. 5
Make/shift—a magazine creating, documenting, and engaging with contemporary feminist culture and activism—is seeking submissions for its fifth issue (spring/summer 2009).
For Issue 5, we are seeking
--investigative journalism
--critical essays
--personal essays
--profiles of feminist activists, artists, projects, and thinkers
--fiction and poetry
--art and photography
--book, maga/zine, film, art, and event reviews
--hybrid pieces
We are also seeking content for the following regular make/shift features:
--Everyday Actions: scenes of feminist action in everyday life (200 to 400 words; theme TBA)
--Documents: documents of feminist discourse in progress (doodle-covered meeting minutes, e-mail exchanges, and the like)
--Make/Plans: listings for our international calendar of upcoming events (submit info for events occurring between March and September 2009)
--Participate: listings for our community bulletin board (calls for submissions, invitations to participate in community projects, and the like)
Make/shift pays $.02/word plus two copies.
Send pitches or full-draft submissions to info@makeshiftmag.com. Please submit no more than three poems or two pieces of prose at a time. Feel free to pitch multiple ideas at once. We accept pitches and submissions on a rolling basis, but priority for Issue 5 will be given to those received by September 1.
Support independent feminist media—subscribe to make/shift: http://makeshiftmag.com
Be our friend: http://www.myspace.com/makeshiftmag
[This submission notice was sent to me by Regina Chavez y Sanchez of the Trinidad Sanchez, Jr. Memorial Foundation, based in Denver, Colorado. Trinidad Sanchez, presente!]
Subject: Call for submissions for the Punto Poetry Project
I am pleased to announce the call for submissions for the Punto Poetry Project™, an intergenerational anthology that will reflect the historic & expansive contribution of Latina/os to the art of performance poetry. There will be updates in the future, but we want to spread the net far and wide, so every voice is heard within the Latina/o poeta universo.
Please forward this info to all your gente.
More info here.
from the website:
PUNTO! Exclamations from Generations of Latina/o Poets
Calling ¡You!
the spoken word artist, the poeta, the crazy performance poet, the storyteller of metaphors, the subtle experimental poet, all of yous, from the casa to the raza cosmica and everywhere in between the transglobal barrio, yes tú, are invited to submit your original poems, slam poems, performance poems, spoken word pieces to ¡PUNTO!: Exclamations from Generations of Latina/o Poets, edited by critically- acclaimed, award winning poets, Jaime “Shaggy” Flores & Robert Farid Karimi.
We seek original work by Latina/o, Chicana/o, Nuyorican writers, performance poets, and spoken word performers for a new intergenerational anthology of Latina& Latino spoken word, performance poetry.
¡PUNTO! aims to give space and voice to Latina/o writers who have helped birth the current evolution of poetry by weaving language, culture, & experiences into a tapestry of performance & poetry on the page. ¡PUNTO! poets display the multifaceted variety of a community that is on the forefront of literature and performance. ¡PUNTO! is an intergenerational book that will reflect the historic & expansive contribution of Latina/os to the art of performance & written poetry across the nation.
Questions about this project can be emailed to: someta@puntopoetry.com. Please indicate “anthology” or “preguntas” or “vulcan mind meld” in the subject line to avoid deletion of your email.
Must be postmarked no later than November 2, 2008 (Yes, we know it's Sunday :) )
Y por favor, please make sure to remember your ancestors on this day...
Please send submissions to:
Please include “¡Punto!” in subject line.
c/o Robert Karimi & Shaggy Flores
p.o box 6151
minneapolis, mn 55406
Monday, August 11, 2008
Experimental theatre @ 1919 Hemphill tonight in FW--7pm
one show only! doors @ 6:45pm. show starts sharply @ seven.
7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm
opening experimental performances by:
Natalia doin' "The Romanian Girl Who Dreams of Being a Ballet Dancer"
and something from Tammy (me!) with Angelique and Natalia.
HEADLINING are the theater collective MISSOULA OBLONGATA,
which consists predominantly of three amazing women artists:
Madeline ffitch, Sarah Lowry, Donna Sellinger.

"The romance of vaudeville, the adrenaline of punk, and the playfulness of the Children's Television Workshop...packing the house with theatre buffs as well as with those who tend to fidget in velvet seats." --St. Louis Magazine
and this is it--tonight @ 1919 Hemphill in Fort Worth--before this group pushes off to the west (Santa Fe, San Francisco, L.A.).
more on MISSOULA OBLONGATA here und
7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm
opening experimental performances by:
Natalia doin' "The Romanian Girl Who Dreams of Being a Ballet Dancer"
and something from Tammy (me!) with Angelique and Natalia.
HEADLINING are the theater collective MISSOULA OBLONGATA,
which consists predominantly of three amazing women artists:
Madeline ffitch, Sarah Lowry, Donna Sellinger.

"The romance of vaudeville, the adrenaline of punk, and the playfulness of the Children's Television Workshop...packing the house with theatre buffs as well as with those who tend to fidget in velvet seats." --St. Louis Magazine
and this is it--tonight @ 1919 Hemphill in Fort Worth--before this group pushes off to the west (Santa Fe, San Francisco, L.A.).
more on MISSOULA OBLONGATA here und
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