International Festival of Lights
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
501 Oakland Blvd. - 817-496-3003
"a season celebration of peace through cultural diversity" from 4-8pm
featuring: PANTAGLEIZE student theater performance, international foods and music,
fair trade/student world market, sunset labyrinth walk, and drumming with Baba Kwasi
$5 admission includes light refreshments
DFW International Community Alliance is proud to announce North Texas' third annual Navidad Latinoamericana with two concerts.
December 13 at 7:30 pm at Holy Trinity Church: 3811 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75219
(to be presented a second time on the following Saturday, December 20, 2008 at 7:30 pm, at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church: 2800 Valwood Parkway--just east of Josey Lane--in Farmers Branch, TX 75234)
In Navidad Latinoamericana a variety of Latino musical ensembles present the inspiring traditional Christmas rhythms of villancicos, aguinaldos and posadas from Latin America and Spain. Tickets are $5 for adults and are available at the door. Children 10 and younger are FREE.
For more info.:
Butterfly Connection presents
REINDEERS UNPLUGGED (a new play co-scripted by Rob Bosquez and Kate McDougall)
at the Rose Marine Theater
1440 N. Main St., 817-333-4028
Admission: $8-15 - starts probably at 7:30pm, but call first.
Sceneshop presents
A FIFTH OF CHRISTMAS (otherwise known as "Steve McGraw's Christmas for Grownups")
at Arts Fifth Avenue (1625 5th Avenue @ Allen St. - 817.923.9500)
8pm - $10 - not a family show - IF YOU'RE INTO CASH BARS AND RAUNCHY THEATRE FARE, then THIS is your show
This gallery gift show promises to have some funky, crafty, hand-made schtuff that's a far cry from the generic crap for sale in all the shopping mauls. Check it out!