I've been invited to present "Saliendo Abierta" (Emerging Open) as part of the Artes de la Rosa 2010 Film and Theater Festival, and I get to perform this work FOUR TIMES on two consecutive weekends in May (Fridays and Saturdays, May 14-15, 21-22).
I'm really hoping that all my close friends and family, longtime colleagues and collaborators come out to see this work. It's quite a quiet piece, and really shows some inner dimensions that you might have never seen me reveal about myself.
Oh--important to note: this is not a big and flashy "Lion King" or anything remotely like that. Best to keep small children and infants at home during this one.
[Please click on the flyer below to see a larger version in a new window.]
We will be hosting a CLOSING NIGHT reception/pachanga IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the final performance on Saturday, May 22nd.
Please help spread the word! Gracias.
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